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AMIP News (Africa Media-Image Project) is dedicated to bridging the information gap between the United States and African countries. We have been covering, documenting, and strengthening US-Africa relations since 2004 and are proud of the gains we have made.

Our Services

Products & Services

A full-service multimedia and publishing house focusing on content and products relating to US-Africa engagement. 

Documentary Films

  • Presidential / State Visits

  • Town Hall Meetings

  • Country Spotlight

  • Personality Spotlight

Books & Magazines

  • Presidents' Legacies

  • Bilateral Relations

  • Multilateral Relations

  • Periodicals / E-Books

  • Country Profiles

Writing, Editing, & Publishing

  • Concept Development

  • Manuscript writing

  • Proofreading

  • Transcription

  • Copyright, ISBN, & LOC 

Design & Artwork

  • Graphics

  • Concept Development

  • Layout

  • Photos & Images


  • One-on-one Interviews

  • Broadcast Interviews

  • Interview Prep

  • Interview Transcriptions

Clients / Partners

  • African Union Mission to the USA

  • The Africa Society

  • Ghana, Nigeria, & Morocco Embassies


"Thank you so much for your wonderful gift (United State & Africa Relations: The Obama Presidency). We hope you know how much we appreciate your thinking of us ..."

President & Mrs. Obama

August 11, 2017

Our Work

  • Documenting US-Africa engagement at all levels (government, business & industry, academia, culture) since 2004

  • Archiving important national and historical materials, information, and records for posterity


Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

 Address. PO Box 1090, Washington DC 20013

Tel. 202 460 3912 / 3906

AMIP News © 2004 - 2022

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